Page name: Ugly People United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-20 21:44:26
Last author: Aleka
Owner: Aleka
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Ugly People United

By: [Aleka]
and also
[Dictated by Uncertainty]
What is Truth but Lies that Hurt, if someone is ugly, don't tell them... Remember it takes 42 muscles to frown but only four to bitchslap someone... don't make it you.

A poem by [Alrika]

Why so ugly
We know why
Your mama was ugly
Your papa is too
And the family tradition
Is going to you

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder right?
Isn't Uglyness also within the eye of the beholder?
so if you think your ugly.... or would like to volunteer someone who is.... contact [Aleka] below and we'll add you and your ugly companion to this prestigious guild!!!

Want to be a memeber? Please put your name in the Ugly People list, or contact [Aleka] and she will add you. Don't forget to grab a banner to put in your house at Ugly People's Banners! Thanks!

Yo Mama!
An area for insulting jokes about people's mothers....

Uglified People
An area where people can post pictures of famous people who have been manipulated to create a grotesque creature.

Ugly People's Banners
Banners for Ugly People United....sorry ugly banners were already taken so we got this page....

[Yanaba] has added the Yo Mama! page to ugly people united. link is located right above the banners. Have fun!
11/03/04[Aleka] has added the uglified pictures link, made a page for our banners cause this page was getting to big and is still adjusting things, but you can still use everything. Enjoy!
I also added numbers to everyone's name cause i wanted to know how many people had joined....

[¡Important Note!] Think you're the ugliest person on earth? Think that you are just so ugly that even the scared horror movie actors would run in fear at the sight of you? Think that you're so ugly that you face even Yo Mama! wouldn't love? Test that theory with the new Ugliest of the Month nominate who think is the uglies in this wiki!

Username (or number or email):


2005-02-14 [Aleka]: whats wrong with you?

2005-02-15 [Yanaba]: some ppl (normal ppl) actually like

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: ....normal people!! are you implying something here berni!

2005-02-15 [Yanaba]: don't deny it mary

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: ....fine... i wont'

2005-02-15 [Yanaba]: haha

2005-02-15 [Balthizar]: Oo

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: .....8P

2005-02-15 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Um ok then and anyway....

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: ....8P... just b/c its to random for you!

2005-02-15 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: No random is the randomness of being random when all the random is out of it's random when, in all reality there was never any random for the random of the randomness to be random about... get it?

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: no... but thankyou for spending the time writing that

2005-02-15 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes well it's good because that, which I just wrote, is not only random but confusing so it's a double wammy

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: ....did you even follow it?

2005-02-15 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Yes it is saying that Random is the art of Random and that Random is gone when the truth shows there was never random for the art of random to be random... get it now?

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: ...i think so... but i don't think i agree if i'm reading this right

2005-02-15 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: um ok then

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: ;P... what you have a problem with that?? ;P

2005-02-15 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Um I donno

2005-02-15 [Aleka]: don't know!! how could you not know!! its your head!! if you don't know whats in your head than your screwed!! ... i'm in a bitchy moood today... i'll leave before i really go off

2005-02-15 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Um ok then... I'm Schizophrentic with Multiple Personality Syndrome

2005-02-17 [Aleka]: ..... thats a good excuse....

2005-02-17 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Not an excuse truth

2005-02-17 [Aleka]: you know what, i believe you, i know lots of people who have similar mental disorders... their fun to hang out with

2005-02-17 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yeah my mother has me on medicine for a symphom higher then what I'm at I'm at symphone 3 of 5

2005-02-18 [Yanaba]:'m confused....i didn't follow how is everyone?

2005-02-18 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes well then

2005-02-18 [Yanaba]: *scratches head*

2005-02-18 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: ok yes well that is what happens

2005-02-18 [Aleka]: confusion helps people get through life!

2005-02-18 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes I guess soo....

2005-02-18 [Yanaba]: ah.....anyways.....

2005-02-18 [Aleka]: all were suppose to disagree but thats alright... or say that you were confused.. that would have worked better!

2005-02-18 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Well confusion resigns in those who find confusion a why out of plexity

2005-02-19 [Aleka]: you my friend are confusing!

2005-02-19 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<Nods>> It's better that why

2005-02-19 [Aleka]: i didn't ask why you did it!

2005-02-19 [Yanaba]: lol

2005-02-19 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Never answered why I made a statement for my own referance

2005-02-19 [Aleka]: well thats good...

2005-02-19 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: as always

2005-02-19 [Aleka]: lol... your frustrating

2005-02-19 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes

2005-02-19 [Yanaba]: and confusing

2005-02-19 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes

2005-02-19 [Aleka]: lol...well as long as your proud of it

2005-02-19 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes

2005-02-19 [Aleka]: lol... your so frustrating!

2005-02-19 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Yes I know thankyou for the completmemnt

2005-02-19 [Aleka]: grrr!!

2005-02-20 [anarchic chick]: im so freakin lost but im new so i guess i have a reason right?

2005-02-20 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Not really I am quite new this now...

2005-02-20 [Aleka]: should be lost... everything [Dictated by Uncertainty] says confusese me

2005-02-20 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Yes well my apologies

2005-02-20 [Aleka]: don't apologize.... no reason to... jusst continue confusing me, its quite amusing

2005-02-20 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<Tilts his head.>> whatever suits thee best

2005-02-20 [Aleka]: thanks... but that wasn't confusing.. ;P

2005-02-20 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Understood and yet we wonder why thy enjoys the confusion of being perplexed in any way?

2005-02-20 [Aleka]: well.. i find it fun to study things and never find the answer to them... best way to spend the day.. 8P

2005-02-20 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<Nods>> Understandable for this is the reason, in full, of why we attempt such a omnition towards difficulty.

2005-02-20 [Aleka]: 8D... thanks for understanding!

2005-02-20 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: as always

2005-02-20 [Aleka]: so... how you doing?

2005-02-21 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: We art well and thee?

2005-02-21 [Aleka]: i am.. pretty good... sick but i'm always sick

2005-02-21 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Well then

2005-02-21 [Animal*Girl]: ;)

2005-02-21 [Aleka]: 8D i will survive!

2005-02-21 [Yanaba]: hello ppl!

2005-02-22 [Animal*Girl]: ;)

2005-02-22 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Right then

2005-02-23 [Aleka]: lol... this is a wonderful conversation we are having

2005-02-23 [Yanaba]: yes...riviting!!!

2005-02-23 [blood soaked madin]: i hate my's been messing up and now i have to catch up in all of the wiki's i was on. hi everyone!

2005-02-23 [Aleka]: hello! computers suck ass... welll they don't actually suck ass but they.. nvm

2005-02-23 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: And all has died down now

2005-02-23 [Aleka]: lol... b/c your not confusing me!

2005-02-24 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Our Apologies, maybe it's because we've decided to quite ourself until adequate time.

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: why would you do that? thats an horrible thought!

2005-02-24 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<Nods>> Oh well it's just how it will be!

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: damn!! *kicks you in the shins and runs away*

2005-02-24 [Yanaba]: I HATE WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: ... yes berni... everyone does... thats why i have a mac...

2005-02-24 [Yanaba]: *sobs* i want a mac.......

2005-02-24 [Animal*Girl]: ok

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: well... start saving... mine only cost a couple thousand....

2005-02-24 [Yanaba]: i'll need one eventually anyway

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: exactly... and i have to admit that it works amazingly better than my old windows one... hasn't locked up hasn't gotten any weird virsuses... the one thing it did get was a hacker but they lost interest and moved on

2005-02-24 [Yanaba]: lol...ur not interesting enough i guess....

2005-02-24 [Animal*Girl]: ;)

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: thank god for that... i wonder why they even bothered looking... i personally would have found hacking into my system which is heavilly gaurded by a firwall that can be extremely inconvient and finding absolutly nothing of interest to be rather frustrating... surprised my computer is intact now that i think about it

2005-02-24 [Yanaba]: lol

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: must have a better firewall than i suspected

2005-02-24 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes well... um.. <<Loses train of thought.>> Yeah... that's right... um... er... uh... blah

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: ha! you are lost !! the world might end now but hell it'll be worth it after see those words!!!


2005-02-24 [Aleka]: ....yes ... falling.... what... ever...shall... we .... do......?.

2005-02-24 [Yanaba]: ....the...children...

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: ...why?....

2005-02-24 [Yanaba]: ...ionno....

2005-02-24 [Aleka]: ...what... does...that...mean?

2005-02-24 [Yanaba]: I....DON'T...KNOW......just mumbled together

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: lol... okay

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<Runs panicked.>> Falling skies, screaming children.. I must think of my poetry... <<Pushes his wife and children out the way as he runs into his room. Kicks his dog and grabs his poetry then runs out forgetting about his family.>>

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: .....thats not very nice

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: What?

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: leaving your children... i mean the wife can be understandable... but the kids.. comon man their so cute and cuddly and they'll grow up and be just like you... don't you want more of you out there?

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<shakes head>> One of me is enough with more then the whole world would be one confusing substructure

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: but wouldn't that be great! you just like depriving me of my confusion don't you!

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<Nods>> Quite it's much better this way

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: ... you cruel evil unconfusing person you!

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Mmmhmmm what else is new?

2005-02-25 [Yanaba]: lol

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: .... i give up on you... *kicks you in the shins and runs*

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<Grabs shins in anger.>> OW! <<Limps in a running fasion after you.>>

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: haha i made you limp ;P

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: <<Kicks you in your shin and laughs as I his behind [Yanaba]>>

2005-02-25 [Aleka]:'d you ccatch up to me while limping?? that does not make sense! *runs around berni and tackles you to the ground*

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: You were distracted by laughing <<Get's tackled. Pushes you off and stands.>> You know what we need here? a nomination for ugliest of the month!

2005-02-25 [Yanaba]: aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: lol... a nomination for ugliest of the month... oh that made my day!! that that is funny

2005-02-25 [Yanaba]: YES omg yes

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: What do you mean? Did I do good?

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: ...thats sounds so horrible though... but then i guess we'd have to make a prize for the person who wins....

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: who's up for a little banner making!?

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Well I am but hey we still need ugliest of the month because, hey if you join this does mean that you think you're ugly and then the prize winner would be the ugliest for that month and just so people don't think it's a bad things we can rig the first one so someone wins who can show off and say it's a good thing like me, you or [Yanaba]

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: lol! rig it! oh thats funny! how would we rig this?

2005-02-25 [Yanaba]: huh????

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: well I donno say you're giving the first nomination to me because it was my idea or somehting... I would love to be ugliest of the month it could be cool...

2005-02-25 [Yanaba]: ok....what do u think mary?

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Yeah doesn't it sound cool?

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: but... i don't know... i guess i could do that...

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: fine!! i shall name you uglist of the month!

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: ... so should i make a page for it? ,.... and then i guess i'll have to put down rules and stuff... on how to get nominated...

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes but not of this month make me ugliest of next month and from there nominations will begin

2005-02-25 [Yanaba]: lol

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: dear god... this is a lot of work.. berni! would you do a favor for me?

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: heh yeah work together, wait until it's done then it'll be cool...

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: work together... what an alien concept

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: berni dont listent to him!

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: heh ok then

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: shhh... she doesn't need to read above this comment... berni don't look above this comment... you don't wanna

2005-02-25 [Yanaba]: I'll start it

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: ....go berni!

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: yippy!

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: HAH There you go link to the site

2005-02-25 [Yanaba]: i like the announcement!

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: TY I just did it off the top of my head.

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: gorgeous!

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: well ty

2005-02-25 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Added something to the page

2005-02-25 [Aleka]: EXCELLLENT!!! now i'm gonna have weird people contacting me with other people's names... i don't know how to handle it...must make a rule to stop that evilness

2005-02-26 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Well have them nominate on that site make a link called The Nominations that everyone will go to place their name and the one they nominations.

2005-02-26 [Aleka]: god your a genious! i'll go move the nomination i have into that area! Brillant!

2005-02-26 [Animal*Girl]: ;)

2005-02-27 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Ok then...

2005-02-27 [Aleka]: ....god i shout out praises for you and thats all you say... *kicks you in the shins and runs*

2005-02-27 [Cherry Bomb]: Hello all

2005-02-27 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: OW! Damnit stop that it hurts

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: hello [Cherry Bomb] i'm glad you joined... ignore [Dictated by Uncertainty] he's just complaining about me abusing him for being an ass...

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: I was not being an ass you kicked my shin ebcaue I said ok...

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: ..... you were being an ass.... and i kicked you for it... fine i'm gonna go nominate you for the ugliest thingy...

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: I was no being and ass and if I was please tell me beacause I see what happened, I remember and plus tis written above.

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: ;P... shhh... you dont need to know that

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: but I do and All i did was say ok then after you called me a genious that's not being an ass that's being confused

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: ...what i confused you!!! omg i'm so happy! how'd i do that? omg! 8D ... ummm... sorry bout your shin...

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: you called me smart... I was confused because I'm not so yeah

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: ...... it was an ingenious idea you had... so technically your intelligent... almost everyone is smart about some aspect in life....

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yeh right

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: 8D... well.. k.... so how are you?

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: ok and you?

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: oh i'm alright... procrastinating... sore... wishing i could go to bed but i would never finish anything then....not that i'm finishing anything now but the possibility is still there

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: what?

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: 8D.... nvm...

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: ok then

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: i think i should ramble b/c my rambling seems to confuse you and i really like the fact that your confused so excuse me while i ramble on about my weekend.... so i played football this weekend and it started with being touch but in the end it turned into tackle and my butt is sooo bruised right now... i hope i didn't break my ass b/c hell thats not good, i broke my nose once and that wasn't fun cause then i had to get it fixed and i bled all over the place and ruined this tank top i really liked and i should have bleach it but instead i threw it out and now in retrospect the blood stain would have come out if i had bleached it

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Well I use to be in backyard wrestling with my friends and I've broken about everyone bone you're able to break and still be active...

2005-02-28 [Animal*Girl]: ;)

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: ....hmmm... well... good for you... 8)

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yeah well I thought to let you know

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: 8D thankyou.... i enjoyed reading it... da da da dum de dum da da da dum de dum... 8D

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: mmhmm

2005-02-28 [Aleka]: why did you play a sport that broke every bone in your body... i don't understand that

2005-02-28 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: See how long I could live (Trying to kill myslef), loved the adrinaline and the money wasn't that bad (on some days)n

2005-03-01 [Aleka]: ....well... i guess if you got money and wanted to die it worked... though why you would want money when you were trying to kill yourself is rather contradictory in my eyes... but then i never really wanted to die... just get horribly ill and never return to school...

2005-03-01 [Cherry Bomb]: err...hello....i have no clue what to say..i joined this...yesterday i think..

2005-03-01 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yes well

2005-03-01 [Aleka]: hello! say whatever you want to... 8D... no one cares... and then we'll have conversations and it'll be loads of fun!

2005-03-01 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: who is 8D?

2005-03-01 [Dollie VOMIT]: It's a face, biatch. I do believe o.O

2005-03-01 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: Oh well I thought it was a person.. stupidity is my companion sometimes.

2005-03-01 [Aleka]: it is a smiley face... its grinning....

2005-03-01 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: oh ok well then

2005-03-01 [Aleka]: 8D... no worries... its my new favorite smiley... do you like it?

2005-03-01 [Dictated by Uncertainty]: yeah it's finer

2005-03-02 [Aleka]: excellent... i think i might have to seperate this wiki into more wikis... but i don't wanna move the list of names...

2005-03-02 [Yanaba]: hola

2005-03-02 [Aleka]: berni should i seperate this wiki?

2005-03-02 [Yanaba]: how do u mean...i'm too lazy to read the above

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